A Bit About Me

Past & present, personal & work tidbits


I'm Stephanie Hahn

Former 80s material girl with big hair and lots of make-up, chasing the mainstream definition of success by earning an MBA then working in marketing at corporations including American Express. 

Now, an herbal tea- and kombucha-drinking marketing consultant (and yoga teacher) with two grown children and two doodles (and a grandcat), combining my passion for mindfulness and Yoga Nidra with my love of business and marketing.

I'm based in SW Ontario Canada but serve customers from anywhere via Zoom. 

collage of photos from Stephanie Hahn's life including current headshot, headshot from 80s, pets

My Values

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Let's face it, marketers aren't always honest, and sometimes say whatever they think will get them a sale. Often, this involves making you feel inadequate in some way so that you want what they're selling. But not all marketers are like that. Some (like me!) care deeply about actually helping people, not maximizing sales volume. That's why I've spent most of my career applying my marketing skills at not-for-profit organizations.

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Living Lightly on the Earth

I'm an environmentalist who cares deeply about the Earth and all of her inhabitants (plant and animal). I'm not perfect, but I do what I can to reduce my negative impact. I buy from local organic farmers, and use natural cleaning and body care products (even deodorant). During COVID, when toilet paper was scarce, I even sewed myself reusable cotton squares to use instead! (Sorry if that was TMI.)

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Working Smart, Not Hard

To me, school felt like a game. I got good grades but didn't feel the need to get the absolute best grades possible. I did what needed to be done, and knew when enough was enough. So, I had great school-life balance, with lots of time for part-time work and fun. I have continued with that pattern in my work life as well. I do great work, but do it with skill and focus so that I can enjoy lots of walks with my dogs and RV trips!

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My Story

How did I get from where I was in the 80s to where I am now?

After having kids, I underwent a massive shift in priorities and became a self-employed consultant working with not-for-profits so that I could spend more time with my family and work for causes I cared deeply about. 

When my kids were young, I experienced a long bout of intense back pain that I now consider a “gift” because it was the not-so-subtle nudge I needed to discover the mind-body connection, meditation and yoga. Now, my kids are grown and back pain is a distant memory. 

Since that back pain wake-up call years ago, I've become a yoga and meditation teacher, studied a couple of energy work modalities, and done a ton of research and writing about health. I've had the pleasure of working with numerous passionate leaders, supporting them in implementing their vision for a better world.

Yin & Yang

 I 🤍 synthesizing all that I've learned and experienced in my interesting and winding life journey—integrating mindfulness and business, logic and intuition, planning and spontaneity, productivity and rest, focus and flow.

Random Tidbits

  • I 🤍 to quilt and do mixed media art journaling.
  • I 🤍 boondocking at fun places in our Minnie Winnie RV, often fairly close to home. (Our first trip ever was to a farm just 15 minutes away, where we slept in the field near the goats and their guard llama.)
  • I'm part of a tall family. I'm 5’11” and so is my daughter, while my husband is 6’3” and my son is 6’8”!
  • I'm a vegetarian.
  • I 🤍 oracle cards.
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